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(Comment made as of version 0.1.1) Finally got to night 13! This game is so fun! I keep going back to it--which feels rare for a game jam game, so I think y'all have really put together something great! There's a ton of strategic depth to this game, and even after multiple plays I'm still adapting to get to later rounds. I also love the visuals and music, it all fits together really nicely to make a great vibe. 

Here's some other feedback for your continued work on the game (please update this game more, it's great!):

  • The screen shake at the last call isn't too bad at first, but if you get to later rounds where you are in the "last call" for a long time it gets annoying to look at. I went into settings to see if I could turn it off after I started to dislike it. If it didn't last for the entirety of the "last call" I think I wouldn't try to turn it off though.
  • I'm not sure if this is just because I'm still learning and haven't found the use for the other ingredients, but I've mostly landed on just getting the ingredients that apply to all customer types. Maybe this is holding me back, but every time I consider it, it just feels like applying to all types is a better deal. The brains ones never really feel worth it because the zombies don't really pay much of a tip anyway. And then in most of the other cases, for the difference in dollars it's only slightly more impactful for the vampires and/or werewolves, so it feels like just ensuring it always applies to all customers feels more right to me. Don't get me wrong--this isn't necessarily a bad thing (it's excellent for strategy games to have a discoverable metagame, and it can even lead to fun challenges where you only use certain kinds of ingredients that aren't as good if you want). Like, it can be very fun to have ingredients that are just better than other ones because figuring that out is fun. I'm just not sure if that's what you're going for, so I figured I'd mention it.
  • The first time I played, I got a bit confused when I placed different kinds of drinks. I thought maybe some kind of system of matching drinks to monster types was going to go on. Didn't realize that doesn't matter until after I continued playing. The different kinds of drinks work well visually, just was initially a bit confused as the player is all. 

Overall, excellent job! Thanks for making this, I keep coming back to this game :)


Thanks for leaving a comment! I'm glad you're enjoying the game!!

Adding an option to disable the screen shake is not something I'd considered, but now that you've mentioned it, I will definitely be including that in a later update.

As for ingredient choices, you've pretty much stumbled upon the ideal strategy for the current patch. Rebalancing the ingredient prices and effects is at the top of the docket. Ideally, we want to create an experience that different strategies can be viable for different runs.

Thanks for playing, and stay tuned for more updates!

- SwAAn


We are so ready to be hellish bartenders 😈😈

(Congrats on that fun little game again, awesome job, and thanks for your time taken reviewing all the games !)


A very cool looking and sounding but stressful game :D I never got further then 7 or 8 but i had fun :D

The game has a nice luck factor to it, but gives a lot of options for strategies. I liked trying to fill all the places at the end the fastest and that worked out nice for some time. Now that i think about it the brewing has a lot of stragegies that i didnt try. I kinda didnt like that it got shorten to ,,dot,, ,atleast in the explaination. I like it when the game is clear about explaining effects, especially when it introduces them like when buying ingredients here. But the Dot effect feels like a nice way to counter the rising amount of customer waiting. Maybe i try it again sometime and then i buy ingredients better :D

When i did get attacked it felt kinda unbalanced. I couldnt avoid them attacking me, because i had to stand close to them to attack and because i got attacked by one i got fast attacked by 3 because i couldnt get them drinks. It could be a skill issue on my side, but maybe the rise in difficulty happens a bit to fast on night 7. Or on some nights like night 5 the player could get 2 power ups instead of always one?

But i like that every night i got to improve speed or attack or health. I kinda wondered where i buyed the ingredients from or who i got these power ups from. The story aspect felt missing in the game. Or why is the bartender even serving drinks to such unfriendly customers?! :D

Uh one last thing. I feel like a idle animation is missing. The game has such a funky beat and the bartender seems like a cool guy. At the end of the nights i made my own idle animation while walking towards the counter. It feels fitting that he moves his head a bit, like hes moving it to the music :D

The game is very fun. Its normally not my kind of game genre, but i enjoyed it and felt an addicting charm to it. I definitely wanna atleast beat 8 nights at some point >:D

I survived 9 nights! Could have used more health/attack speed instead of going all for movement but I love being a speedster. :P Yes, the moth won against me too...

This was a fantastic game! Music is great and the art of the bartender is so cool. I would definitely play this if it became a full release. Time to grind to see if I can reach Night 12 :')

Interesting game, I only played once but I had fun. I'll likely play more later.

I reached night 10 but I got beat up in 2 hits by a big moth hahaha

At first I build the most speed I could to reach the other side of the bar and serve the drinks, thinking that only would appear enough customer to fill the bar but I was wrong, I saw that when everything is full, the customers get angry so eventually 3 customers wanted to fight me and the moth won.

I really liked the DoT meaning in this game, it fits so well and makes me laugh. The way you can do your drink is interesting since you can focus on the DoT or invest in the extra money you get per drink, and you get a new option per night, so it’s fun to think what to add.

The only problem I had with the game is that sometimes hovering over the ingredient didn't display the message until I moved the mouse in exact spots at times, but overall I liked what I played!

Was just chillin serving people until at night 7 there was literally not enough seats for everyone so I had to beat the customers to death but it seems like my hitbox and hurtbox overlap so there doesn't seem to be a good way to avoid damage

The game is great! I am curious if the bonuses from the different upgrades stack additively or multiplicatively

Loved the game, very cool concept, i couldn't make it very far lol. Having new ingredients to serve every night and adding them to the pot is a really cool mechanic!

I got past night 5. I find that it's totally fine to get through a night without a patron attacking unless the bar is full up. I love the vibe of this

I had a weird bug, when I lost the first game and started over I couldn't place drinks until I reloaded the page.
Other than that it's a fun game.


Ohh, I had a lot of fun with this one! Played it for quite a while, only made it to night 11 though (props to Faulko for the highscore, you absolute mad man 😳). I love how the time it takes running along the bar becomes a resource you have to manage. Super cool pixel art, love all the little details you put in, and great music & sound design, too!

I realized way too far into the game that there is a bonus for a clean bar. Changed my playstyle a bit for sure, at least towards the end of every night. Maybe mention that in the How To Play? Or is it something you want the player to discover?

Overall really fun and polished feeling game, good job! 👏

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