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I love this game!
It is a really cool idea being able to put the drinks before the customers arrived, I loved how it added an extra layer of planning.
The different drink sprites was also an awesome touch to it.
The last call effect is so ~juicy~

At first I was confused "Hey, the game is offering these attack/health upgrades, but where's the combat in the game?", but on night ~7 it clicked ahaha

The game gets really challenging (lost at night 10), but in a really nice pace.

Overall, really enjoyed playing it!

the base of the game is fun but would be cool if you could chose which one to serve(different drinks for each guy) , and buy armor or ways to fight but very good for the time it was made

What a fun game \o/, the music is awesome, love the art, and the game itself is super fun and challenging. I started off having an issue with putting drinks down, but all was needed was a window refresh ( ᵕ — ᴗ — )


How dare you make a game this fun! Honestly, this is an incredibly finished product! I'm absolutely blown away!

I made it to night 9 before I decided to stop. I know that Night 12 is insane, and I'll try to reach it one day, but today is not that day. I'll break down my review piece by piece.

The Art: Incredible! The little avatar versions of all the monsters that you have to serve is such a nice touch, and the bar itself looks amazing! I love the different drink designs, helps mix things up. 

The music: The satisfying sound effects really make this game. From the coin clink to the sounds of drinking, it's superb.

The Gameplay: This is where this game really shines. If I had to say it reminds me of anything, I would say it reminds me of the shops sections of Dave the Diver. That same sense of panic and trying to make as much money as possible as in that game. At first, I tried to just serve the customers as they sat down. But then I realized they go for drinks you've set up already, and that changed my game plan dramatically! I started each round setting up a full row of drinks, which gave me the leeway to go back and refill for when people got up and angry customers who had waited a while sat down.

Having the cauldron at one side of the bar only also adds in the strategy. It means that you can get customers at the cauldron end easier, so you can start prioritizing ones towards the far end, since it takes more time to get there (I levelled up speed as much as I could at the start). An empty bar bonus is also really nice, although I think there should be a mechanic for getting rid of drinks put down as a misclick. A couple of times I fat fingered on my controller (Controller support works great btw) and put a drink down by mistake at the very end.

I do think there is room for improvement. You could add mechanics to extend the patience of customers waiting for seats, add more seats as you upgrade the restaurant, maybe have customers take calls, which will temporarily stop their DoT clock. This has a ton of room for growth, which is always great to see.

Definitely gonna follow this game in the future, see how it develops!


Thank you so much for taking the time to write this out!! We love all of the feedback we've been receiving, and I can't tell you how happy I am that you enjoyed our game. Drop a follow and we'll make sure to keep you posted with any updates in the future!


So much fun!! I love the idea!


loving it, i wish you could upgrade the bar, more seating, more pots, and AI waiter, but this is great

Neat little game.

It seemed unfair that even though I had all drinks set up almost all the time the later nights brought in guests that couldn't get to a drink and would get angry waiting. Perhaps I'm missing something with how the drink brewing work.

Either way the core gameplay worked without any bugs which is very impressive in a 2-week game jam. The art is nice and easy to look at and the music is enjoyable.

Good job!


Awesome little game! I like it a lot. Very high quality, very fun to play.

The control scheme was complicated to read about but made a lot of sense once I actually got into playing. It was good to play.

The only bit of constructive criticism I would give is that I found your tooltips occasionally did not display over the ingredients. I spent maybe half a minute trying to figure out what Silver did.


Fun looking game, well made!

As an AZERTY user really appreciate the bind-able keys!, just why is WASD not included? 🧐

Did a whole UX/UI analysis of both the game & it's page over in Discord chat. <3

Keep me updated if this gets further development! 

I am a QWERTZ user and I tend to switch my layout to QWERTY when I'm playing because it's so much easier to just win+space than reconfigure buttons if that's even an option. The buttons don't read correctly this way, but who's reading the keyboard when gaming anyway? Of course I have to remember to switch it back to have mz buttons act as thez read.

Didn't know what to do in the first night so I just fought them off and it worked lol. 
then just started filling the bar lol

Had a good time :) I must say, not really sure what the in between brewing thing did for me tbh.

THANK GOSH FOR LAST CALL! Love the game, addicting, love the music, love everything! sometimes i go to cauldron and if i move away to fast it doesn't pick up the potions, idk if that's just me though xD got to night 9! Also I hate Mothman so much /cry


I hate this job, customers try to bite my hand every time i try to serve, death is coming for my butt and doesn't even tip, at least music rocks

Very fun game overall, and with great aesthetic too!

Survived 8 Nights max, tried some strat, but my best take is movement speed.

Music is a total Banger ! Super fun game, GG !


Zombies, Vampires, Mummies -oh my! This one had me saying "okay fine one more round" each time it was last call. The last call animation was pretty satisfying too, realizing the rush was over and there was a moment to soak in the chaos across the counter. Good music, good art, good job~

(1 edit) (+1)

Got to night 9, really solid game, tried lots of strategies, but the moths are too much! Overall great experience!

Was hooked right away, but I didn't got the controls right at the beginning, a small reminder (like a sprite of a key/button over the cauldron for example) would've been a nice touch. 

Overall the core loop is working as intended, even if that's a tad repetitive at some point. I would've love to see a bit more stronger variety in the upgrades or some kind of more clear end goal, maybe some more situations where you have directly agressive enemies to prepare you to the inevitable overload. 

The art is really cool and cute, I love the dark tavern/bar setup and the overall mood is really cool and somewhat cosy, even if that's stressful af when customers piles up. 

Bravo to you, congrats on completing the jam with a finished and successful game ! 


I quite enjoyed the concept here, took me a few tries to figure the game out. Some little bits I didn't quite realise at the start is how you can pick up two drinks at once, what's the condition for the clear bar (it's not having any leftover drinks by the way) and that the brew bonuses from previous rounds are actually permanent (I originally thought they are for the one day only). After I figured this out, things started to get smoother as I started optimising my gameplay more and more.

I feel like the brewing ingredients could use some balancing. For example, for $10 herbs giving higher tips you need to be given $2000 worth of base tips ($2010 total) for it to pay for itself. Also, the species-specific bonuses increasing DoT had a price barely more efficient for its specific species and didn't affect others. So in the end, I kept spending my money on Transylvania GNS, because it would take over 10 levels before the money bonuses would pay for themselves, and most problems didn't come from serving speed but the bar being occupied.

When it comes to the bartending phase, I'd suggest making annoyance bar background different from the drunkedness bar, so it's easier to tell whether someone is increasingly annoyed or increasingly drunk. Also, I noticed that the drunkedness bar is drawn higher than the annoyance bar. I feel it should be the other way round - knowing that the customer is getting more annoyed is more crucial for the player, so it's best if annoyance is what sticks out to the player. An auditory feedback (like an annoyed grunt or growl or something) when a customer is halfway annoyed would also help.

Also, it would be nice if the customer paused their annoyance when they're heading to the next free position (rather than wondering around an waiting for a spot to free up). Otherwise, an unlucky player might end up with a situation where the customer briefly enters annoyed, and then goes to the furthest possible spots so before you have any chance to give them the drink, they're already furious.

There are quite a few of the suggestions, but it's not because the game is bad, but rather because it could be made even better with a few tweaks. The game generally has been enjoyable, the artwork was nice and detailed and the music fit as well. Well done! ^^


nicely done! cool set of core mechanics - the clean bar bonus is a nice touch!

very addictive gameplay loop, and the art is really cute!

Cool game! Good graphics, good music, great that people attack you when they don't get their drink, really liked the gameplay! Good work

Interesting game. I like how the clients wait and attack us if we don't take them drink in the time. Good gameplay :)

Fantastic game! I love the concept of a shady bar serving some strange brews. Really polished, especially the ability to rebind the controls. Music, art, and mechanics are all great, and I have to say that the GDD is fantastic as well :P

The artstyle and music are great, and the game feels overall very polished. Enemies did not attack me much, doing something like spawning some enemies that are immediately aggressive (or having more ways to make the enemies aggressive) would give the player more chances to engage with the combat. Great game!

I think you should give it another shot and try beating level 12 and see how you feel about the game then :)

Hello, I tried your game again! The first time I got to night 8, noticed there was no new item in the shop, and for some reason assumed nothing would change from that point onwards. Up until that point everything went smoothly and I never got attacked. This time I kept going and built a more balanced character. I died at night 10, and I can see it gets a lot more hectic. I would have liked the difficulty curve to be a bit steeper, since the game initially lost my attention, and the bartending part felt a bit repetitive the second time I played (especially because it took me about 20 minutes to get to level 10). In general, I think the game is very well made, your team did a great job!

Get's stuck at the loading bar for me. Reloading doesn't help.

Some chrome weirdness: had to use incognito window. There everything works.

(1 edit)

That's weird you're the only one that has reported this so far. Was it just a browser issue/local PC issue? Itch has some issues with Godot embedded games (In Firefox) which is why we recommend a Chromium based browser but you're the first person to report this.

(2 edits) (+1)
  • the music goes insanely hard
  • game's really addictive
  • love the art style
  • didn't upgrade my attack stuff until it was too late
  • suggestion: there should be something where customers have a small chance to attack you if they don't like the drink, so that way even if you're playing really well in terms of serving, you still get to defend yourself fairly early on
  • couldn't really tell whether or not my drinks were optimal until it was too late
  • honestly the game would be already incredible without the attack aspect, but you went above and beyond, well done

idk how to do long detailed wall-of-text reviews, so you get a list

great game, easily one of my favorites I've played so far, kudos to you all :D


We appreciate the feedback and your response! If we continue working on the game post-jam we'll definitely revisit the core loop and mechanics and see what can be tweaked/improved.

Really glad you enjoyed it! <3


Sir I will GET to you when I GET to you

This is really cute! Great job!


This is great! I really like the core loop. Turns out vampires actually love garlic?

Love the artstyle

Blood X Thirsty Gameplay


Very good game, with a very addictive loop!


This game is an engaging and immersive experience with a well-crafted dynamic gameplay. The graphics are visually appealing, and the soundtrack complements the atmosphere perfectly.

The gameplay loop it's very addictive!
Good job!


I am known as the BEST bartender IN THE WORLD! Not only do I serve my customers on time! I also poison them to get out quicker! OOOOH you want a drink vampire?! Well, guess what I added your favourite item to the drink. GARLIC! And if any of you are impatient... I shall smite you with my fists!

Love it man! That was really fun thank you!


Got jumped by a local zombie gang on my first day as a bartender. 10/10

(1 edit) (+1)

great game, fast paced fun and easy to understand/play. the art, sound, and design mix well together, that song is a good one.


Damn good game tbh, it's really engaging, it's style is fantastic and makes for a very good experience!


Man, this is great! At first I was a bit confused about how to get drinks and that you could hold 2 at a time because I didn't read the description and was scrolled up too much to see the platter, but after figuring it out it got quite fun!

I even found a nice strat to keep all the monsters happy, though idk if it works on later levels.


Wow. Its really well and professionally done game. I absolutely love the arts & pause menu menu (Pinkish overlay and music volume decrease, idk how to explain it). Although I did found a small bug (?) where zombies are walking above bar texture. Feels like it shouldn't be like that. Separate kudos for custom mouse icon!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the kind words, I'm glad you're enjoying the game! 

As for the bug report, do the zombies walk over the bar once angered, or before that point?


Ok I understand. This is actually an intended feature but can look a little grating visually. Thanks for the feedback!


This is REALLY good. Everything about this, the music fits perfectly, the artstyle is great. I still need to play more to check the fighting mechanics but wow!


A very good game, personally I could see this working on PC and mobile. The art is solid too and explaining what all ingredients do is very helpful. Awesome game dude!

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